[RAC-Bulletin] Call For Nominations for the RAC Amateur of the Year Award




Call For Nominations for the RAC Amateur of the Year Award | Mise en nomination – Prix Amateur de l’annee
To qualify for the title “Amateur of the Year”, an individual should have made an outstanding contribution to Amateur Radio in the past year, or have contributed consistently to the welfare of Amateur Radio over several years.
RAC Directors, Officers and Section Managers are not eligible for the award while in office, and not in respect to their term(s) of office.
Nominations with supporting documentation are to be addressed to the RAC Corporate Secretary at the address shown below and received at RAC Headquarters by the close of the last business day of September (September 27), for consideration for the current year. Selection of the winning candidate will be by majority vote of the RAC Board of Directors based on the supporting documentation submitted with the nomination. The winning candidate will be notified by mail.
Due recognition will appear in The Canadian Amateur and a suitable plaque will be presented at an appropriate time and place.
For more information visit: https://wp.rac.ca/rac-amateur-of-the-year/
Radio Amateurs of/du Canada
720 Belfast Road
Suite / Bureau 217
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Selection of the winning candidate will be by majority vote of the RAC Board of Directors based on the supporting documentation