ZW85LABRE celebrates 85th anniversary of LABRE….

The League of Brazilian Amateur Radio Transmitters, LABRE, has obtained the special event callsign ZW85LABRE which is valid from February 1 until March 31, 2019

The Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão (LABRE) was founded February 2, 1934.

A Google translation of the LABRE post reads:

It is our intention to make as many contacts as possible, in all bands and modalities. We are waiting to receive the license, but it is already on the ANATEL website

PT2ADM Gustavo, will create and be the manager of a WhatsApp group, to manage the use of the ZW85LABRE.

The use of the ZW85LABRE will be by amateurs indicated by the LABRE State, by sending the name, call sign and WhatsApp number of the nominees that will be registered in the group, which will be exclusively for the purpose of coordinating the beginning and end of operation, the band and the modality, for each operator

The group will be automatically extinguished as soon as the license expires.

LABRE in Google English