Update on USA online ham radio exams….

Update on USA online ham radio exams

In this video Richard Bateman KD7BBC provides an update on moves towards Online Exams in the USA following the first successful all-online Technician Exam on March 26

Many hams are already aware that a successful fully remote online ham radio exam was administered on Mar 26, 2020; fewer know that the administering VE for that session is also the owner of HamStudy.org or that we were using a system which has been running for years.

This short statement is my attempt at summarizing what is going on in this field; all interested VECs are invited to use our system, but we ask that VE teams wait until they hear from their VEC that the system is available to them as there is still a lot of work to be done and problems to be solved.

Watch Online US Ham Radio exams coming soon — please be patient!

USA conducts first all-online ham radio exam