Radio station WWV to celebrate 100 years….

Radio station WWV to celebrate 100 years

Standard Time and Frequency station WWV celebrate its centenary on October 1. Rado amateurs have been asked to participate by taking measurements and sharing their results

The Reporter Herald says:
The world’s oldest licensed radio station, which operates from a location just north of Fort Collins, will turn 100 years old on Oct. 1

That may sound like a long time for a radio station, but WWV specializes in time.

The radio station is best known for the broadcast of the national time standard — the atomic clock — which is closely synchronized with Coordinated Universal Time, the measure by which clocks are synchronized throughout the world.

It also has played an important role through the years setting frequency standards for other radio operators. In those early days of radio, “people didn’t know where they were on the dial,” Dave Swartz of the WWV Centennial Committee said.

Read the full story at

WWV Centennial Festival of Frequency Measurements

As part of the WWV centennial, HamSCI and the Case Amateur Radio Club of Case Western Reserve University W8EDU request that all amateur radio stations, shortwave listeners, and others capable of making high-quality HF frequency measurements participate in the next “phase” of this experiment and publish their data to the HamSCI community on the open-data sharing site Details at